House Finch
First baby finch hatched July 29 at 4:30 PM
Fourth baby finch hatched July 31
Aug. 14 We have moved the camera location as the babies are getting ready to fledge. They have started to test their wings and could start leaving the nest at any time. The parent birds seem to be encouraging them to leave by singing at perch locations away from the nest.
Notice to viewers: The nest is illuminated at night by the porch light near the hanging plant chosen by the finch for nesting.
Click on link below for streaming video.
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If you do not see "file" in the menu bar at the top of Windows Media Player window, hit the "control" and "m" keys together to bring up the classic menu. If you do not have windows media player on your computer you may download the latest edition here.
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The Wrens fledged July 26. Squirrels are showing some activity in the nest box, but not moved in yet. Right now we have live video coming in from a new House Finch nest in a hanging plant on our front porch. First egg has hatched July 29!.
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